Fellow INTP here. The conflation of introvert and shy is a continual source of frustration. Even my immediate family was dismissive when I casually mentioned I’m pretty deeply introverted.
Modern society hasn't evolved to include introverted people. I find that in a business setting, I'm always forced to be fake-extroverted just to fit in or I might be perceived as having a mood. This is pretty apparent from the amount of books and articles there are for converting introverts into extroverts.
I overheard someone giving advice to their daughter the other day that was basically "if you don't go out and meet new people, then you will be unhappy in your life." Which is absolute bullshit, but c'est la vie.
In my view, there are a lot of cases where people conflate the "clinical" and "popular" definitions of words. For instance if I say that I'm "depressed," it doesn't mean that I've been diagnosed with clinical depression. It just means that I'm bummed.
Unfortunately, people will interpret your comments according to their own biases, and I've that a lot of people are biased to distrust or dislike introverts. For this reason, I would never admit to being an introvert, in a business setting. I would rather tell people that I'm mildly extroverted, and then let them believe what they want.
Interestingly, I once worked for an employer that required everybody to take a personality test. The results were never discussed with anybody, and the whole thing could have been a bunch of hocus pocus, but it nonetheless raised the issue.
Oh yes it is. That's the sad part. When you find yourself manipulating your own personality test. :) I actually meant to reply to the person above you who was surprised that you'd reveal that information in a business setting.
I've thought a bit about it, and am actually OK with it. For one thing, we manipulate our own personalities, so why not our personality tests. It's our job to make people comfortable working with us. The people whom we work with don't have to know what we're actually thinking at any given moment. In fact, I suspect if it were actually possible to create an algorithm that opens up a window into our minds, civility and collaboration would collapse.
You're shy and experience crippling stage fright. That might sound trite, but it's better than trying to otherwise fit you in one of two boxes that don't accurately (nor intend to) take those two features into account.
Agree with ionised and reddit_clone (below). I'm an introvert and I am definitely not shy, nor are my thoughts 'self centered'. It's simply that it takes more mental energy to engage with those I don't already know.
Get enough private time and rest before you speak, and after if you feel tired then.
Introvert != shy
Introvert != stage fright
Introvert to me simply means I have a shorter energy supply when around people I don't know.
The closer they are to me, the more I can be around them without getting tired.
So don't equate introversion with social anxiety or inability to speak in public.
So with that said, learning public speaking for introverts should follow the same rules as for anyone else.