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>I'm strongly in favor of legalization, but I still believe Cannabis is dangerous (just like alcohol, tobacco and countless other legal drugs are).

Oh, well if you "believe" it is dangerous. What's the LD50 on Cannabis vs alcohol, tobacco and countless other legal drugs? How many people die per year from Cannabis use vs other drugs? If you actually look at these questions with an open mind you will see which are really dangerous.

>It's a well known fact that it can trigger psychosis in susceptible persons and I have even witnessed it happen to a close friend.

It's not a "well known fact" because you saw it happen to someone once, not even mentioning their psychosis could have been triggered by a million different other things.

>It also had hugely detrimental effects on some of my weed-smoking friends, to the point that I no longer want to spend time with them since it affected their personality. I also know people who smoke it daily without any (visible) negative effects whatsoever..

All I get out of this is "some of my former friends act differently now so I don't hang out with them", which is like.. most people with or without drugs. I doubt you followed them all around 24-7 to see what their issues were, easier for you to just blame the drugs, as it were.

Marijuana is absolutely harmful for people with certain mental illnesses. Schizophrenics for example. Since it often manifests at the same age people are experimenting with drugs a person may not know they have it until they get high and have a psychotic break. GP made reasonable claims IMO. Your reaction was over the top.

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