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I can understand why, but would saying "GNU Taler is blah blah" really editorializing? As long as you aren't embellishing?

Yes, the mods have been known to reset it anyway. It’s too bad, really.

I would hope "GNU Taler (one-click cash payments)" would've survived because it took a subtitle from the page rather than editorialising.

I sincerely doubt you can draw an accurate line for what's editorialising and what isn't though and I think I'd prefer the mods to continue to err on the side of "nope" simply because I think the failure modes are less annoying overall. But it's always going to be a trade-off.

I think a blanket "nope" stance is too harsh, and leaves no room for nuance. It also assumes that the mods are not intelligent people.

The nice thing about bureaucracy is that it doesn't leave any room for debate. Not everything needs to be debated. If you're on HN, you're here to waste time. The click is free.

To be clear, "err on the side of" is still a long way from "blanket", and I did say it was a trade-off. Sorry if my choice of idiom was confusing.

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