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> Strong core language libraries ("batteries included"), that come with your distribution of the language/compiler and are well maintained, used by millions, and signed would be a good start to at least have 80% of dependencies being actually dependable.

The trick is avoiding another urllib: shipped as a stdlib, and passed over for libraries with better interfaces.

perl has the idea of core and dual-life modules: when a new version is released, it ships with some additional modules. Some of these modules live in the perl repository & are called 'core modules'. Upgrading them requires a new version of perl to be release. Some of these modules are forked & published to CPAN & are called 'dual-life' modules. Upgrading them requires installing them from CPAN, and new versions of perl can provide a well-tested newer version.

All the modules used to be core-only, and over the years any which weren't heavily tied to the internals of the perl interpreter (like opcode deparsers etc.) have moved to be dual-life instead. This avoids problems like interface issues in the standard library by allowing a new version to be immediately released (with some overhead for developers who need to upgrade it for deployments), be tested in the real world, updated, and then included in the next language release.

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