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How does npm solve the transitive dependencies problem?

If by "transitive dependencies problem" you mean a case where package A depends on package B which depends on package C and you want to use A in your project, then it solves that by simply pulling in all three of those packages.

Or did you mean the case where you want package D as well, and it depends on a conflicting version of package C? In that case, it solves the problem by pulling in both versions of package C and running both side by side.

I do mean the latter - A and D both using different versions of C.

Running both C side-by-side cannot work if C is incompatible (that is, even if both versions are api compatible, but each assumes it's the sole C being loaded - and therefore, do some static/singleton crap that might get clobbered when loaded again).

The nature of the Javascript language makes it possible to sandbox an entire library, ensure that two versions of the same library can run side-by-side without conflicts (because they are both in a different sandbox).

The way sandboxing works is actually not specified by the package manager (npm) nor the language itself (Javascript); each consumer of npm packages can roll their own sandboxing mechanism (webpack, browserify, nodejs, etc.).

There isn't even a common specification for the way packages should export public symbols. You have a choice of CommonJS, AMD, Ecmascript 2015, etc.

> Running both C side-by-side cannot work if C is incompatible

I've honestly never encountered an NPM package which couldn't be run side-by-side with another version of itself. This is due to the nature of how Node's module system (CommonJS) works; packages are isolated from each other and only share resources with each other via explicit exports and imports.

I suppose a conflict might be possible if the package was using native extensions or connecting to some external service or something, but for the most part NPM's module system makes conflicts very unlikely.

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