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Zed came by our office the other day to talk about supporting streamed logs with Mongrel2. As we already use 0MQ, it's a small change to our clients to support taking HTTP POSTs as log events. It's fucking fantastic, as Zed would say. :)

He was talking about the config file viewer thing too. One of the things that pops out of having a SQLite as your configuration store is the ability to programmatically change your server's configs on the fly.

>One of the things that pops out of having a SQLite as your configuration store is the ability to programmatically change your server's configs on the fly.

I hope this catches on more. The old Unix way of changing some text file (with its own unique grammar) and sending some signal to some process needs to go away.

If we would've reached that stage, I'd be happy enough. There's enough software out there that requires restarting the process and doesn't support the edit/HUP method.

And while I'd prefer something like Lua, tcl or lisp to SQL, at least it ain't XML.

Configuration files need to be static key value or a relational algebra - you cannot have mutations and branches based on logic within a configuration or else you introduce issues you wouldn't want to even dream of.

So generating those values in a full-fledged programming language is that much better?

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