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My father passed away about a year and a half ago, and one of the things I did was create a website for him where people could share their stories and memories of his life. (http://jimwhowell.com/) I made it a day or so after he died, and I had no idea what the response would be... I only knew I had to do something to try to capture my memory of him. We ended up getting well over 100 stories on the site, and having all these memories of him has meant so much to me and my family in dealing with our loss.

I think what you are doing with 1000Memories.com will have a similar effect in touching peoples lives and I hope that you have a lot of success with it. Thanks for creating this.

Thanks very much for your words of encouragement. If you were willing, we'd love to speak to you about your experience with your father's web page. Feel free to email me at brett [dot] huneycutt [at] gmail

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