As a meta comment, there will always be detractors of any even slightly esoteric language.
The author of pgloader[1] said the other day "When I told people I was going to use Lisp, I was told it was stupid because there weren't any libraries; when I packaged it for Debian, I was told that I had too many external dependencies"
It was probably different groups, but there were complaints both about not enough and too many libraries!
portable I/O & character encoding 3: unicode, fad, flexi-streams
sugaring 2: metabang-bind, interpol
Other 6: drakma(HTTP), log, lparallel, md5, ppcre(regex), uuid
abnf: parser generater for augmented BNF
alexandria: utility library
asdf-*: build-tool
bordeaux-threads: mutithreading primitives
cffi: foreign function (i.e. calling C)
command-line-arguments: exactly what it says on the tin
csv: comma separated variables (also supports similar things like tsv)
db3: dBASE III reader
drakma: http client
esrap: Parser generator
fad: Files And Directories (portable file-system)
flexi-streams: in-memory streams (file-like objects) and encoding
interpol: interpolated strings (e.g. variable substitution in strings). Also includes regex literals.
local-time: timestamps &c.
log: logging
lparallel: high-level threading
markdown: markdown
md5: md5
metabang-bind: macro library for doing various fancy bindings (setting a variable to a value for a particular lexical or dynamic scope) in a single construct.
postmodern: Postgresql interface library
ppcre: perl compatible regex
py-configparser: parser for .ini like files (compatible with the python "configparser" library)
qmynd: MySQL library
quri: fast URI parsing/emitting library ("quicker" than puri, the Portable URI parsing library)
simple-date: date/time; not sure what it offers that local-time doesn't
split-sequence: Splits sequences based upon value or function of value
sqlite: sqlite3 interfacing
trivial-backtrace: tool for getting backtraces
trivial-utf-8: Portability for UTF-8
unicode: things like character classes for Unicode
usocket: socket library
utilities: utilities library
uuid: UUID library
1: wraps commonly available, but not standardized behavior in lisp implementations: sockets, threads, debugger &c. often named "trivial-"
The author of pgloader[1] said the other day "When I told people I was going to use Lisp, I was told it was stupid because there weren't any libraries; when I packaged it for Debian, I was told that I had too many external dependencies"
It was probably different groups, but there were complaints both about not enough and too many libraries!