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Google's "Parisian Love" ad is an extremely potent, real world example of using similar emotions to sell a product:


Wow, I loved that, I even tried creating a Google story that I hope will one day be my story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE4Zh7XXUO4


You forgot "How to sell your product" or "How to generate revenue from 1B pageviews"

Yeah, I guess. ;) You can always create a better one if you want to.

I made one for my company a few months ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SpYMCVnvMk

Nice, what's the sound track?

I have no clue, one of the Google ones. If you want to create one, go here: http://www.youtube.com/searchstories

I've seen this many times, and I still think that it's the most powerful piece of advertising that I've ever seen.

It combines everything that we take for granted about Google -- the spelling correction, ability to search through multiple datasets intelligently (flight schedules, for example), location-dependent search.

But none of it is presented this way; it's all just seen through the lens of a man navigating life and love. The technology is unseen, and not even mentioned, but the power is very, very real.

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