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You have to drive everywhere because everything is so far apart to make room for all the roads and parking and setbacks to avoid the problems created by all the cars.

Partly true, although I'm not even in a sprawled suburb, it's rather compact and well connected with public transport - but still once I have the house I almost can't go without a car because of all the stuff you need when you have (and maintain) a house.

Also some things are far apart by definition. Going fishing, to the forest, or just the Sunday morning hockey practice etc is part of "the package" of stuff you can do with a house and car. I Wouldn't trade those for a situation where my house was much closer to work and the area more dense, but I'd have no car.

The one thing that could revolutionize this is rental car pools with self driving cars. In the urban areas where parking is a hassle and the shared cars are always parked nearby, shared cars is becoming more common. That doesn't work in the suburb though. If I could summon a shared car when I need it, I wouldn't need a car of my own. That would mean the suburbs could be denser and have less cars.

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