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>Complicating the system further for something that, for practical purposes, does not improve the security of the vast bulk of people is not a trade off we're willing to make.

This is the weakest argument. Are Python devs somehow dumber than Java devs? Are they dumber than Android devs? Are they dumber than iOS devs? Everyone knows how to sign a dependency/app/project except python devs? I don't believe that. I honestly think that's the most insulting aspect of this argument.

The rest of this post seems to have turned to hand waving and personal attacks, so I won't bother responding to that. I'm just glad I got to share this perspective with you. Once you cool down, I hope you look harder at the problem. All I care about is improved security. I'm not here for the imaginary internet points.

> This is the weakest argument. Are Python devs somehow dumber than Java devs? Are they dumber than Android devs? Are they dumber than iOS devs? Everyone knows how to sign a dependency/app/project except python devs? I don't believe that. I honestly think that's the most insulting aspect of this argument.

Nope, I think they're perfectly capable of signing things. I also think it's silly to ask them to do that when the proposed system hasn't been designed to provide any benefit. Properly designing that system is hard, and 99% of people who go "just use PGP!" or "just use X" have spent exactly zero amount of time doing that. Particularly when the proposed solution doesn't actually solve the problem at hand (though it does solve other problems if it's correctly designed).

Ultimately your "suggestions" are nothing new, they're the same generic, cargo culting, suggestions that folks who haven't looked really hard at the problem tend to make.

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