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Yeah? Try dealing with a printer that has to have a font file sent to it with an lp command from cron every 15 minutes or else checks wont be formatted correctly. AND there is a physical device (either USB on the printer or inline on ethernet in front of the printer) which has the MICR fonts stored.

And then the printer you are migrating the MICR device to has decided it doesn't understand the PCL in the font file anymore.

This is 2017 and I just dealt with this today.

I should point out that a co-worker tried to convince people we could easily do it with a generated PDF and throw away the damn $500 MICR device but that was swiftly deemed 'impractical'.

The engineering time dealing with that printer is probably more expensive than just buying a simpler/better one.

Close. To be fair the printer is supposed to support PCL5, and this is the first time I've witnessed this happen.

If this is so mission critical why not get a proper Postscript printer with an onboard filesystem for font storage. It doesn't make much sense to run a business on consumer junk.

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