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REmber though that a retail investor can buy this stock, and pay 25% to get in on a unicorn IPO.

To get in only paying 7% (i.e. at the IPO), you have to already be a wealthy investor so you can get some of the IPO stock.

The 18% difference is your fee for deal access basically.

I'm not saying it's right, but it explains why it makes sense.

Interesting thought, You should email Matt, I'm sure he would have a response that he would put in his column.

Ok, done!

This! It's almost like a safer ICO -- following the line of thougth that ICOs are ways for non accredited common people to get in on something with big potential upside - but unsafe because of the large pump and dump and scam potential - whereas here you know that S+C & Palihipitiya are for real.

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