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Boardwalk: Port of _why's Park Place using Sinatra and MongoDB. (github.com/razerbeans)
20 points by razerbeans on July 18, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

In case you are wondering what this does, Park Place replicates a lot of the functionality of Amazon S3.

Edit: link with more explanation (http://web.archive.org/web/20070114030611/code.whytheluckyst...)

I always thought Park Place was always one of _why's hidden gems (no pun intended… except for now that I've pointed it out, I suppose that was intended).

Boardwalk is a fantastic name for the project.

How funny! I've been re-writing the site for Hackety Hack in Sinatra with MongoMapper! It's been a real joy. And so performant!

Sounds really interesting. Do you have a link to a repo by chance?

It's only on my fork at current, as hacketyhack/hackety-hack.com is what's deployed right now.


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