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We're not the authors of those packages. But we own many others.

1. We're not obfuscating pingbacks.

2./3. We're raising an exception with an explanation and a link.

Just look at the code of one of our packages: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/codecs

The research in 2016 was done by someone else. The kinda crazy thing is: Some of the package names he used were made available again after that instead of being blocked... And now we own them.

Man. You're right - that's a mess.

And just to be super clear, this is the code. Hard from scary or obfuscated:

  html = urllib_request.urlopen(
  raise Exception(
    "This is a bogus package that should not be installed\n\n"
    "Please read https://www.pytosquatting.org"

"Hard from scary or obfuscated" Maybe you are typing on mobile?

"Far from scary or obfuscated" reads more clearly.

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