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This is kind of the same idea behind Xanadu[1] right? I fail to see the benefits of this multidimensional navigation through text. Getting lost seems way to easy in this kind of interfaces.

[1] - http://xanadu.com/

As I understand it, xanadu's goal is to interstitch documents, in a similar manner (I just realized) to git blame; documents are composed of original text, and pieces of other documents, recursively. So you can traverse the history not just of the document, but the blocks of text as they get referenced and pointed to by newer documents. I can't remember though if those blocks were meant to be updated as the original does, or if they're treated immutably.

This on the other hand has a much simpler goal: organizing your documents into a tree. Afaict, it can be treated/navigated like a file system, except that theres no distinction between file and directory.

> I fail to see the benefits of this multidimensional navigation through text.

You just wrote a comment containing a hyperlink.

If I click that link, I go to another page that has text I can read.

I can come back here.

I can reach that page from other pages too.

That means that you just made a node in a graph, and have it an edge to another node in that graph.

Your comment is about as ironic as it gets.

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