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MTPuTTY – Multi-Tabbed PuTTY (ttyplus.com)
55 points by mutin-sa on Sept 15, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 61 comments

I use to use PuTTY and then later MOBAXterm. PuTTY was a bit too simplistic for my taste and MOBAXterm way too much bloat.

These days I just SSH out of WSL using ConEmu (https://conemu.github.io/) as the console. Seems to fit my overall workflow the best and gives me a mostly common experience between my Windows and Linux systems; including essentially a tabbed terminal experience. I still use plink.exe from the PuTTY distribution so tools like Git on the Windows side can still behave like they do on Linux using ssh-agent.

I'm just writing this to help support your comment and ConEmu. I've been a windows-desktop linux-server dev for years and I haven't found a better experience than WSL on ConEmu. The common CLI experience between bash and powershell and the latest interoperability improvements of WSL have been a _massive_ improvement.

I use ConEmu on any Windows machine I'm forced to use, it works extremely well, has some nice shortcuts and is pretty customizable. I'd probably want to use it on my personal machines too, if it was available. But then again, it's the lack of a good stock terminal emulator that made it so good in Windows. Most *nix terminals are good enough by themselves.

One thing I love about PuTTY and WinSCP is that I can save a username and password for each system that I need to connect to.

Do you type your credentials out each time? What are your options for avoiding that?

Readers: I don't care about your personal policy. This is a feature that I want and I just want to see if you can get it outside of Windows.

As @Ineentho mentioned in another comment, I don't use username/password for ssh. I don't allow username/password for any system which I have responsibility (not even my local VMs for consistency's sake). I use ssh certs. My certs are passphrase protected, I enter the passphrase once at the beginning of a shell session and allow ssh-agent to handle subsequent logins. If I'm on a laptop at a client site in a cube or something, sometimes I don't use ssh-agent and retype the cert passphrase each time I want to use it.

This WSL process is no different than I would do with a Linux desktop. On the windows side I do essentially the same thing except I use pageant and plink. This is only for tools which use ssh to access remote services and not for terminal access (as I mentioned I'm using WSL & SSH for that).

Does this feature exist in WSL? Not to my knowledge, but that could simply be that I haven't looked for it. I suppose if you're doing that sort of stored login credential thing, you could just write a little shell script which answered the appropriate prompts without too much trouble... I wouldn't recommend it, but you could probably get it to work.

Thanks! I only use username/password with my local mac and linux development systems. All of my cloud stuff is managed.

You might want to think about it even in those cases; not so much for security, but just to open up your options.

It takes me never more than a minute or two to do the one time setup for certificates in an new OS install, whether Mac or Linux (at least for personal dev machines). And once done, I'm free to use any ssh tools which use certs, which should be pretty much all of them, rather than those that cache username/password... or compared to the username/password entry time. I definitely end up saving time by reducing redundant entry and by being able to use the best tool for the job sans any other gating factor.

Naturally, this is all preference and you're free to choose things differently than I would suggest... but did want to offer you some food for thought.

I think the common way is to upload your public SSH key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and adding a host entry to ~/.SSH/config specifying the user

As an avid tmux user I rarely find the need for a tabbed Putty. Though if I had to choose an alternative Putty fork, Kitty would get my vote..


When your work computer is Windows.

No they are saying that they would only need 1 PuTTY session to their jump server, and then run tmux from there, giving them "tabs" in the SSH session.

If you only connect to one server yes.

Unless you connect from that server to others.

So then if you lose a connect to the first server you lost all your servers?

WSL? That's what I use.

I am ALMOST right there. I have had a few minor paper cuts.

I love that I can get Ranger working.

My preferred open source tool is Multi PuTTY Manager which has nice coupling to WinSCP. Otherwise I use SecureCRT though I imagine XShell is just as good at that level.


The main point is that PuTTY's connection saving just isn't very good and makes it hard to import a list of connections.

I switched to MOBAXterm for this years ago. I need to give this a try.

MOBAXterm does have a full X server and X11-Forwarding which is very handy.

I've started using MOBAXterm recently and I'm sometimes frustrated by the lack of some basic features, like bookmarking directiories in SFTP browser, or built-in shortcut to user's home directory, both features present in my previous WinSCP tool.

On the other hand, MultiExec feature is nice for multi-node Wildfly administration :)

Never heard of this alternative to PuTTY before. Looks like just what I've wanted! How do I find out about other utilities like this I may be missing?


PS Sorry I just ruined your morning productivity.

Try searching for "alternatives to x" ∀ x ∈ {software you use}. Usually someone has written about the two in comparison. In my case, MOBAXterm shows up on the second link (which is a list of alternatives).


This is a great site to look for alternatives to some common things. I love that you can filter by platform and license, and the votes are a rough indication of viability.

My favorite bit is the built-in file manager with drag and drop.

Also, multi-term mode can be quite handy at times (if scary)

Yep, same here, never looked back.

same here!! I tried them all, MOBAXterm is the best.

It would be great if they could keep their website up. I feel SecureCRT is worth the money, always have. However, another alternative http://smartty.sysprogs.com/

What about sending same commands to multiple servers at once and having possibility to align tabs into layouts to see them all? Look no more. There is SuperPuTTY that I can't recommend enough https://github.com/jimradford/superputty (some years ago there was PuTTY Connection Manager (outdated now). Screenshot here: https://i.imgur.com/rknybKS.png

SuperPuTTY saves me so much time and effort when managing multiple instances of the same application across multiple hosts.

Agreed. Some of the features of SuperPuTTY that I love are 1) ability to save sessions and restore at startup 2) flexibility of changing keybindins e.g. F3 to copy current tab 3) export/import of sessions.

I did use MTPutty and then Kitty, but needing a mobile/tablet instance as well and tired of keeping .ssh copied to different devices to keep all of the connections & keys, etc. Was a pain, plus MTPutty did crash a lot for me.

Termius, I found to be the best SSH client that works on all devices & OSs, including my laptop on Ubuntu. It's not free but worth the small amount it costs to be able to share connection settings across devices.

... And the Dev has been responsive to requests, issues, etc. On Twitter for me also.


(On windows) A 70MB download for a terminal? I'm already suspicious. This better not be an electron app :)

A yearly subscription, too? ugh.

Edit: It is an electron app. Pretty, though.

Yes, it's electron unfortunately. So you're basically downloading chrome with a SSH node module & some interface code. I'm not a huge fan of it either, and even run slack in browser to save on memory on desktops. But the main features I have been after we're checked with termius. One of them being the yearly subscription of $10, but if it helps keep the devs active on it, I'm okay with paying for software, especially if it makes my job easier. Which usually includes lots of time in numerous SSH sessions.

I've been using Xshell[1] and Xftp[2] (both are non-free licensed, free for personal/"home" use). Updated often, great interface, lots of features. Xshell comes with Xagent, its version of pageant/ssh-agent.

[1] https://www.netsarang.com/products/xsh_screenshot.html

[2] https://www.netsarang.com/products/xfp_screenshot.html

Same here. I've tried most Windows SSH clients, and XShell is by far the best I have used. It has a lot going for it. It's really well designed, frequent updates, and packed with features.


It's worth checking out.

Another alternative:


RoyalTS[1] and MobaXterm[2] seem to play in the same space with prettier interfaces and more functionality. None are open source.

[1] https://royalapplications.com/ts/ [2] http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/

Has anybody else tried using native Win32 OpenSSH like myself instead of PuTTy?


Edit: Also, the linked site for MTPuTTy doesn't seem to want to load for me.

Yes, with a lot of issues.

They are open issues and being actively worked on, but it isn't exactly stable enough to use everyday, at least for me.


Almost all the issues are intermittent, and you might not be affected, but my luck has been bad:

* Hangs till return, sometimes. [0]

* v-flag can hang. [1]

* Alt sends \0. [2]

* Authentication fails. [3]

* Nmap fills the hard drive when sshd is running. Sometimes. [4]

* Git compatibility isn't quite there. [5]


[0] https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/874

[1] https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/879

[2] https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/865

[3] https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/855

[4] https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/787

[5] https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/issues/752

MSYS has a solid win32 OpenSSH CLI binary. it's what "git bash" on Windows uses.

of course, with WSL, there's not much reason for any of these ssh-on-windows solutions anymore.

I've had issues with msys' dropping connections, and sshd refusing correct logins.

Just my luck.

I don't find PuTTY that stable, it crashes on me around once a day using it as an SSH tunnel

Yeah, I've got that too. Why I looked into that version of OpenSSH.

Still looking for a stable SSH daemon for Windows, because I haven't found one yet, which makes any time I need to work from Windows a real pain.

Might be time for a reinstall - I don't think putty has ever crashed on with 4 years of usage. I could just be lucky.

FuTTY is my favorite fork https://code.google.com/archive/p/futty/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/futty/files/ https://github.com/FireEgl/FuTTY

Major features i like:

   * adb and cygterm support
   * ctrl-scrollwheel zoom
   * clickable links (always or while holding ctrl)
   * jumplists

This project appears to have been abandoned. I note that there have been no updates since 2012, and that PuTTY has had several security updates since then. I'd be cautious.

I like tera term pro which has many features and BSD licence.Its rarely mentioned but has quite a few things up its sleeve. https://ttssh2.osdn.jp/index.html.en

Check out its components page. https://ttssh2.osdn.jp/manual/en/about/module.html

I stopped using PuTTY (I was using the KiTTY fork) and have been exclusively using WSL(https://msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/wsl/about) for the past 6 months. Love it so far!

My only complaint is that you have to run ssh as root to map ports < 1024 (a *nix security limitation) while in PuTTY you could just run as an average user.

Sent a request of True Colour (24bit RGB) standard [1] support to those terminals mentioned in the comments. Wasn't able to send it for KiTTY, something wrong with their captcha, and MTPuTTY itself - form is not loading. So if you can reach their developers - please do.

[1] https://gist.github.com/XVilka/8346728

If someone is going to fix putty, please enable the right Alt key on American keyboards - we shouldn't have to hack our "registry" or the source of putty to enable it [0]. A simple config toggle would be awesome.


Been using this a few months and love it. The macro functions are really useful and tabs will change your life.

Nice to see more alternatives to PuTTY. PuTTY's lack of a decent website hosting has been the source of too much confusion including accidental downloading of malicious versions.

Citation needed.

I don't have a anything to cite either, other than personal anecdotes.

This has happened many times to folks in my workplace. They come across the PuTTY download page and think that it's a shady looking site, and then continue looking elsewhere.

We instead just deploy putty.exe to everyone's machine directly now.

Why do non technical users need to use PuTTY? Probably showing my general world knowledge ignorance here.

These aren't non-technical users - a lot of these are long-time UNIX/Linux sysadmins.

It's important to note that, especially in large environments, has different skill levels. I know a guy that can go deep into analyzing a kernel dump and figure out exactly what made some obscure application crash, but god help him when it comes to doing basic functions on his Windows PC.

Being good at your sysadmin job doesn't always correlate with correctly identifying shady sites.

Detecting a shady website is a core competence of any admin.

There are still plenty of legacy green-screen (text based) applications alive in the corporate world that need to be accessed with an ssh or even telnet client.

I switched to the newest version of SSH the minute the ubuntu subsystem for windows was released. All of the normal tools and a regular shell. Perfect!

I really prefer different windows to having one window with tabs. Esp for tailing logs. I guess I dont use a small laptop screen though.

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