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Humanizing Peer Reviews (2002) (processimpact.com)
25 points by kiyanwang on Sept 15, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I've been reading different articles about code reviews lately and I found it strange that so many of them focus on the best ways to identify your teammates' mistakes, but say very little about the exact means of communicating that feedback. Having worked for several large software companies, I think developers struggle much more with the latter than the former.

I think this article describes what's important about code reviews better than any other article I've seen.

A couple very nice quotes I think are worth highlighting:

>The best software engineers I have known actively sought out reviewers, having learned early on how much they can help. Indeed, the input from many reviewers over their careers was part of what made these developers the best at what they do.

I've definitely found this to be true as well. I'm generally known on my teams as a tough reviewer, so my favorite people to work with are people that seek me out for reviews because they see it as an opportunity to learn.

>Egoless programming enables an author to step back and let others point out places where improvement is needed... Similarly, the egoless reviewer should have compassion and sensitivity for his colleagues, if only because their roles will be reversed one day.

I liked this point as well. So many articles about code reviews completely miss how significant a factor your relationship with your teammate is to a code review. If you sour that relationship with accusatory, tactless feedback, it doesn't matter how great a developer you are because your future code reviews and interactions with that teammate will be tremendously weakened.

The last section about cross-border reviews hits home, though curiously my biggest problems came with rather aggressive eastern Europeans in a UK environment, having happily worked with US and Japanese and Hong Kong teams before!

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