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This is a personal attack and you can't comment like that here. Please see the site rules at https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html.

We ban accounts that repeatedly post uncivilly, so it's important not to.

It's not creepy at all to prefer not to work in a 100% male environment.

This is a deeply rude and inappropriate comment for HN, especially given the context. It's not OK to talk to people like that here.

I didn't ask only about gender; I mention it because that's what the conversation above was about. I was leaving a job where the management structure had not worked well for me (nothing against the people in management, it just wasn't productive for the way I work), so all my questions were about how management worked - and in fact the remainder of my reason for turning down the job offer was that there were lots of other ways in which the management at Google didn't seem like it would work for me, much as there were lots of individual people I liked. My questions about diversity specifically included diversity of gender, race, and background (internal vs. external hires, experienced vs. new hires, etc.), and in part I was listening for how they would answer more than what they answered.

My current team at the company I ended up joining, as it happens, has no women, so this clearly isn't a dealbreaker for me - but I was much more convinced by the quality of management on several axes.

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