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Oregon seems to have most or all of the features. We have a task to move from us-east-1 to oregon, but haven't completed it yet.

We launched our production workload in us-west-2 (Oregon) 4 years ago for this exact reason and it was one of the best decisions we made. Our staging servers in us-east-1 have experienced all of the outages between then and now, but production hums right along. Of course we're ready to failover to us-east-1 if us-west-2 has trouble, but it's been far more stable (knock on wood).

Working for a consultancy and we pretty much always default to doing initial (MVP) deploys in Oregon these days. Feels like a no brainer at this point.

If us-east and us-west regions are only relevant to you because of the relative reliability, then I envy your situation because latency doesn't exist in your world.

us-east-2 is a thing, just saying.

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