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> If we had gone with the Audio Data API, it wouldn't have been satisfying, because the web platform's compute engine simply could not meet the requirement of reliably delivering audio samples on schedule.

1. I'm not convinced this is the case. From what I see, GC pauses constitute the big blockers, rather than event processing and repaints. Introducing an API that's friendlier to GC would be a huge win here.

2. We have WebWorkers. What would have prevented a WebWorker from calling new global.Audio() for the Audio Data API?

1. This is going to depend a lot on the app; doing an actual DAW is going to require some pretty heavy processing. It also depends on the performance goal. Truly pro audio would be a 10ms end-to-end latency, which is extremely unforgiving.

2. Some form of WebWorker is obviously where we're going. But does postMessage() have the potential to cause delay in the worker that receives it? (There are ways to solve this but it requires some pretty heavy engineering)

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