For us on the hither side of the pond, "7:55 eastern time" means 13:55 Stockholm time. Since the US is so vast in all directions, "your" time references always confuse me.
0 days, 21 hours, 42 minutes, and 10 seconds. That's when the world will end (for Cassini).
It's not that different from Europe. You have Western, Central, Eastern Europe times plus Moscow Time. We have Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern. Forgot Alaska time zone.
Belarus and Turkey don't change for daylight savings and neither does Arizona here.
Yeah except most of Europe is in the Central time zone: Sometimes I encounter GMT/BST times but only when looking at UK things. It's all CET/CEST here.
You also forgot Hawaii and possibly Guam -- I can never remember how their time lines up.
The US has four "contiguous US" timezones, and two or three others for peripheral things. Not counting stuff like Zulu or the various zones that dont adjust for DST, so technically are distinct.
0 days, 21 hours, 42 minutes, and 10 seconds. That's when the world will end (for Cassini).