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Ask HN: Do other fields have their own HN?
35 points by knite on Sept 4, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Not in this exact form.

The majority of what HN is went under the name 'trade publications', these have a community surrounding them.

Fine Homebuilding and Green Building Advisor are examples for tradespeople that I frequent.

If they had a flexible forum, agolia search and native imugr it'd be a hugely improved experience.

You should have the ability to load like a whip on a typical workstation from 10-15 years ago, your audience isn't there because of the tech or JS bullcrap. That is one thing HN got 100% right.

No. However as HN grew, it became more generalist and reduced the need for other HNs. I've acknowledged HN being read by architects, artists, fighter pilots, map makers, lawyers, tradesmans and doctors.

Every subject, exposed in a relevant way that adds value, has a place in HN.

For marketing and sales: https://growthhackers.com/posts

It's been up for a few years (and looks good!), but hasn't gained much momentum. This is one of those segments that seems to lack a certain something, that causes a community to coalesce around a central interest.

> looks good!

> hasn't gained much momentum.

Not trying to be arch, but the above contradicting statements tell me these folks in particular are manifestly unable to prove their own worth.

Immediately got a weird notification pop-up. Looks exactly like how I'd expect a growth hacker forum would look like.

I imagine the problem is that a lot of people who define themselves as "growth hackers" are (a) only interested in promoting whatever it is they are promoting, and (b) like to think they keep a competitive edge by keeping their knowledge close to their chest, rather than sharing it with others.

That's quite the rip off

It's a great model why change what works!


For all Blockchain and cryptocurrency realated news.

http://lobste.rs is also about software development but without the business/marketing part

There are some pretty large groups on facebook.

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