It requires literally dozens of .js files to get it working... Is there a bundled and minified version of this in a single file?
I'm very much interested in a basic rich-text editor that is either uses jQuery or is just framework independent. I've liked 37signals's wysihat, but it uses Prototype. I'm sort of working on porting it to jQuery, but that takes time.
The general philosophy is: for development, loading lots of files is ok and in some cases easier to debug. For production, the compiler will often strip out much more code than just minification would.
I saw that, and agree with that philosophy, but does the compiler also pull in all the extra files too? I didn't see it spelled out... I'm guessing yes, so I'll play around with it later tonight.
I'm not sure exactly what files get pulled in by the compiler, but it will remove any dead code (meaning 100% of any extra files) and output a single minimized file.
How does this differ significantly from something like TinyMCE? From what I can tell, it's still using contenteditable.
I'd be interested in seeing an open implementation of the editor Google is now using with Google Docs, where they completely avoid using contenteditable.
It's unbelievable how broken online RTE's are. I'm building websites for quite some time now and I never figured out why browser makers are neglecting such a basic feature, it should not be that hard to implement a basic RTE.
It's nice to see Google is trying to do something about it and making it easier to implement an RTE with projects like this, but it would be nicer if they would push other browser builders to standardise.
A big problem is that contentEditable has never been part of an official spec until now (HTML5). My fingers are crossed that we'll see some improvements over the next few years.
Does anybody know about javascript rich text / HTML editor, that could easily show small popup under carret (or certain word) while the user is typing? I mean something like the spell-checker in this google wave demonstration - see at 0:44:40
Or lets say, you want to implement something like this but in web browser. How would you go about it?
It looks like there's a "Library", "Compiler", and "Templates". The Library looks like a Javascript library, the Compiler looks like a Javascript optimizer, and the Templates look like the GWT-ish thing that builds HTML from Java (or Javascript?).
Closure Library: a JS library containing a bunch of useful stuff.
Closure Compiler: A compiler that takes Javascript as input and produces Javascript as output. Removes dead code, does various optimizations, and usually beats other minifiers by a small but significant margin.
Closure Templates: a templating system that generates Java or Javascript code. Handy if you want to generate a bunch of HTML from templates in Javascript, and you don't want to write all that by hand.
Having written code to normalize the junk produced by a simple contentEditable editor I hate this kind of thing - there are editors out there that produce relatively nice well-formed XHTML.
My first thought was "finally working wysiwyg editor! It's from Google, it must be good!". After seeing the HTML output, I'm seriously disappointed. The editor is totally unsuitable e.g. for CMS, where you have to publish the generated HTML as such. So, back to looking for the holy grail of HTML editor.
I'm very much interested in a basic rich-text editor that is either uses jQuery or is just framework independent. I've liked 37signals's wysihat, but it uses Prototype. I'm sort of working on porting it to jQuery, but that takes time.