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I think it's a bit reductionist to say "X is the new <existing standard>". Especially when X is proprietary.

Email is a standard. There are multiple providers. It's a great lowest-common-denominator.

Does any company really want a part of that without changing the above? I thought Uber establishing a "defacto standard" for ride-sharing which can be copied by competitors is one of the strategy points we criticize here on HN?

I don't know the Chinese market, but just keep in mind at some point everyone thought that FB/Twitter were going to kill RSS. Fact is, RSS is still around and being used a lot (Podcasts?). While FB/Twitter have restricted access to monetize (or prevent others monetizing) their proprietary platform.

Email will be still around when WeChat is dead and gone.

> Email will be still around when WeChat is dead and gone.

I highly doubt that. WeChat is so deeply embedded in daily life in China that I would almost consider it required to do anything substantial in China.


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