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The term artisan always makes me think of pizza. How about referring to ourselves as smiths instead? Imagine upon being asked what do you do for a living and responding that you're a codesmith!

Word definitions follow

ar·ti·san noun: artisan; plural noun: artisans a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand. synonyms: craftsman, craftswoman, craftsperson; skilled worker, technician; smith, wright, journeyman; archaicartificer "artisans from around North America will demonstrate their crafts"

smith noun: smith; plural noun: smiths 1. a worker in metal. short for blacksmith.

It seems artisan is more appropriate.

The term 'smith' always conjures up an image of a large sweaty man with a hammer in his hand and a horse's behind next to his face.

I like the term craftsman

I prefer the term 'code monkey'

"IT guy"

I have personally been pushing for the title of "HerpDerpgineer"

My official job title is Software Guy.

"Software simian"

I always found that people who prefer craftsman over engineer are those who're afraid of math (no offense).

Though I don't know about you and your experience, I'd guess that the observation is the result of confirmation bias.

Off topic, but this is why I like HN. All my bullshit opinions is pointed out and not just politely ignored.

Calling ourselves artisan and craftsman, makes it feel like we're embarrassed about how other perceive us.

It feels like we are borrowing titles from other professions in effort to legitimize our profession. (or inventing new ones)

Software "Engineer"

Software "Architect"

* "Designer"

Solutions *

Distinguished *

Software "Evangelist"


* Specialist

I disagree about “engineer” vs “developer”.

“Engineer” and “architect” are much more nuanced and hard to distinguish.

But doesn't the word "smith" give more of an impression of doing grunt stuff?

Developers tend to be much more creative than that.

Except that "smith" had already been adopted metaphorically for the knowledge class. Writers are "wordsmiths" rather than "sentence artisans."

It also emphasizes the fact that coding is an iterative process. Sometimes you have to strip the whole thing down, make your codebase malleable again, and pound away to refashion it a different way.

I'd say that at our best we might claim to be Hephaestans. Wikipedia gives him all of "blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors". Basically a god of engineering and the more construction-ish arts. The literary and musical arts, et c., would belong to others.

"Thetis of the silver feet came to the house of Hephaistos, imperishable, starry, and shining among the immortals, built in bronze for himself by the god of the dragging footsteps. She found him sweating as he turned here and there to his bellows busily, since he was working on twenty tripods which were to stand against the wall of his strong-founded dwelling. And he had set golden wheels underneath the base of each one so that of their own motion they could wheel into the immortal gathering, and return to his house: a wonder to look at. These were so far finished, but the elaborate ear handles were not yet on. He was forging these, and beating the chains out."

- The Iliad


Probably we should choose Hephaestans over Vulcans, to avoid confusion.

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