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Unfortunately, I don't have any examples off-hand. It was a month ago. I'll see if I can dig the repo back up and reproduce the error.

As for how it failed, it did not segfault. It just stopped and dumped me back out on the terminal with no output at all.

(I'm on OSX 10.12.6.)

That's a pity. Let me know if you dig it up.

Next time please create an issue on GitHub[1], you don't have to worry about creating a small example either, as long as you give us all the code to compile it.

1 - https://github.com/nim-lang/nim

I tracked down the repo and wasn't able to get it to bomb on me as before. I honestly can't remember what scenarios triggered that, unfortunately, and I'm no longer working on the project (due to actually being back at the 9-5 job!).

Thank you for taking a look. Maybe the problem was already fixed :)

If you do find anything else then do post it on GitHub, or at least let us know on IRC/Gitter.

Hey. I appreciate you showing this level of concern. I'll track down that project and open a few issues if I can reproduce it... It may not be until next week, due to traveling and other things coming up.

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