I wanted to build a tool to help people decide
when and where to travel
. As I started building, I realized that "when" and "where" need separate treatment to be most useful. The map tool handles "where" best:
Clicking through each week would be frustrating for those who know where they want to travel but not when. For these people I built "best time to travel" pages using the same data.
My hope is this site will help travelers plan.
This data is taken from the National and Atmospheric Administration's global summaries of the day (NOOA's GSoD). I used an SQL database to crunch the numbers into monthly and weekly averages by station. For the "best time" pages I used and calculated several more variables. I then imported the data into Tableau and added the filters you see on the map. I also used data from the State Department regarding travel advisories.
Would love your thoughts!
The whole buildout was a solo project, but I owe Ryan Whitacker a big "thank you" for his guidance. He built a similar tool on his site (https://decisiondata.org/the-best-time-to-visit-anywhere/) in April, and was generous to offer me guidance for expanding upon his idea.
Known issues:
* I am aware that the map is bad on mobile, so my next step is to improve the mobile experience.
Lastly, I don't recommend bucketing NZ under Australia :)