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You're welcome, America. Will anyone really miss Buffalo Wild Wings? Or Golf? I suspect we drink just as much beer, it's just more craft beer than Sam Adams or Corona.

The 'Millennials don't like breasts' angle is a new take. I'd figured that one was a constant.

I think Millennials realize that they can see boobs any time they want, and don't need to go to a crappy, overpriced restaurant to ogle the topboob of a stressed, exploited, overworked waitress.

"but their wings are really good" - that one guy we've all heard try to justify going to Hooters

There's nothing exciting about going to Hooters or the like, it's just kinda sad.

I am so ready for the golf courses to get shut down. Huge waste of space and carbon emissions from excessive mowing and fertilizing.

+1 to this. Make them public parks that everyone can enjoy.

My guess is it's more along the lines of "male Millenials have realized that going to a restaurant explicitly to oggle the waitresses' breasts will make them appear crude to their peers"

It's a little disappointing that Sam Adams is not considered craft beer anymore considering that they had a strong hand in creating that market.

When everything is craft beer, nothing is craft beer. The term means about as much to me as gourmet these days.

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