A Layer 2 switch is something that works on the data link layer. A normal Ethernet switch falls into this category and the switching is done by MAC address.
A layer 3 switch is something that works on the network layer. It switches using the IP address.
A layer 3 switch is not a router. It does not switch based on the subnet/network mask. It just remembers which IP is on which port just like an Ethernet switch remembers which MAC address is on which port.
It does not matter one bit if above is done in software or an ASIC/FPGA/NPU, what the device looks at to perform it's forwarding decision is what matters, so one device may not just fit neatly into one OSI layer.
Layer 3 switch is mainly a marketing term, it's nonsense really. The devices that fits into that category are what would classically be switches (many ethernet ports, small buffers, cheap) but with full routing capabilities.
Routers can be either software or hardware based. Software routers mainly make up the low-end offers from vendors, rich in features and cheap. Hardware routers that use ASIC/NPU's make up low-ish end to the very high end. Any router that ISP's use in their backbone will be the very high end and do all forwarding in hardware, have all QoS features in hardware, etc.
Which proves my point. Real world stuff rarely fits neatly into theoretical models/categories.
Real world Layer 3 Switches are a hybrid between a router and a pure layer 3 switch. In fact they're just a really fast router.
A normal edge router switches based on IP and a bunch of extra rules. These extra rules range from firewall stuff to QoS. These extra rules need software to process.
A core router is what is now called a Layer 3 Switch. It just cares about the IP address and because of that can be done in hardware making it really fast. It's still a router because as you said it still has routing tables based on networks and subnets.
I don't think anyone makes a true (non-router) layer 3 switch. The only use case I can think of would be a campus wide WiFi network.
"switching" is a layer 2 term. At layer 2, frames are switched. At layer 3, packets are routed. An edge router routes, based upon the destination IP adress (unless you have policies that cause a packet to be sent elsewhere).
Layer 3 implies routing, by the way. A "pure layer 3 switch" is called a router.
A switch moves packets between devices inside a network and a router moves packets between networks. Calling one a frame and one a packet is splitting hairs and irrelevant to whether something is a router or a switch.
Using a *BSD/Linux box I can make a L2 router. I can also make an real (non routing) L3 switch. And since "pure layer 3 switch" is my made up term I think I get to define what it means, thank you very much. It's something that doesn't route, or in other words, you can have the same network (i.e. subnet) on multiple ports.
Then we get into the definition of a network. Is it a building, a department, or how about multiple buildings all over the world? Or how about the network of a backbone provider? Their core "routers" are really switches as they pass packets to other devices inside their network.
And the network gear manufacturers are muddying things even more. Their definition of routing or switching is whether it's done in software or hardware. That's why they're calling some of their equipment a Layer 3 Switch. As I said, that really is just a fast router based on the above definition.
The easiest way to distinguish switching vs routing is whether the packets move to the same or different subnet. It's a good rule of thumb but there are always exceptions.
You can take an L2 switch and replace it with an L3 switch on your network and everything IP based will work as if nothing had happened. You'd just get less broadcast traffic.
> The data link layer is concerned with local delivery of frames ... [0]
> The network layer is responsible for packet forwarding including routing ... [1]
IP operates at layer 3. Layer 3, by definition, implies routing.
> Their definition of routing or switching is whether it's done in software or hardware.
No. No, it's not.
I think that, in general, you kinda sorta know what you're talking about (although you've got a few things incorrect) but the way you keep screwing up basic terminology really makes me wonder.
In networking, router, switch, frame, and packet are all clearly defined -- as are the various layers and the PDUs involved at each of them -- and mean specific things but you can call 'em whatever you want to, I suppose.
You've completely missed my points and at the same time gave a perfect example of someone who's rigedly trying to follow the OSI model.
> IP operates at layer 3. Layer 3, by definition, implies routing.
Layer 3 does not imply routing! I can shut down my internet link and still use a layer 3 protocol to talk to my file server from my workstation. No routing is happening because the packets are not leaving my network.
> > Their definition of routing or switching is whether it's done in software or hardware.
> No. No, it's not.
I know it's not. That's what the hardware manufactures are saying on their websites. It's stupid but it shows how blurry the line is between switching and routing.
> I think that, in general, you kinda sorta know what you're talking about (although you've got a few things incorrect) but the way you keep screwing up basic terminology really makes me wonder.
I know exactly what I'm talking about and know my terminology. The problem is you're trapped in the OSI model and can't see where things overlap.
> In networking, router, switch, frame, and packet are all clearly defined -- as are the various layers and the PDUs involved at each of them -- and mean specific things but you can call 'em whatever you want to, I suppose.
Routing and switching are not as clearly defined as you think. Just google routing vs switching and you get many variations. Some talk about frames and packets, others about MACs and IPs, but the core principle common to them all is that switching is in network and routing is out of network. A few also mention that routing is a more specific form of switching.
Your issue is you mistakenly belive that routing and switching are each tied to a specific layer in the OSI model. With that belief, yeah, frames are switched and packets are routed. But as I and others here have stated, things in the real world don't always follow the theoretical model.
Take for example the idea seen frequently online of doing away with the ethernet layer and having IP as the frame format. So now in the OSI model what was in layer 3 and 4 now become 2 and 3. Or does some of it drop and some stay in the same spot? It quickly turns into a mess. Mainly because what was supposed to happen in layer 2 (flow control and acknowlegements) is happening in layer 4 (TCP). Mainly because the designers of TCP did not follow the OSI model.
My point is that you can't use what was defined in the OSI model to rigedly define what's happening in real world protocols.
As I said, you can create a switch that operates at layer 3. It would learn what nodes are on each port by watching ARP requests. It would send out ARP replies for nodes on other ports with its own MAC and would also have to forward DHCP requests.
This device would function exactly as a switch. You could have the same subnet on many ports and it would work. You can move a node from one port to another and it would work. A router can't do those things. A router forwards packets based on their destination network.
But if you can't understand that and are stuck in the OSI model, we've esentially taken what was at layer 3 and put it in layer 2. The old layer 2 is just there for comatibility. You could even rip out one of the ethernet links between two of these layer 3 switches and replace it with a serial link that just transmits IP packets and everything would work as normal.
The only reason googling shows so much confusion is most people don't understand the definitions of routing and switching.
"Layer 2" = switching.
"Layer 3" = routing.
"Layer 3 switch" = a marketing term for an ethernet switch that is also a router, and supports internal routing between VLANs (and related optimizations for this common use case.)
Your "pure layer 3 switch" that only services a single subnet is actually a regular old layer 2 switch.
It doesn't need to be aware of "layer 3" at all.
> The only reason googling shows so much confusion is most people don't understand the definitions of routing and switching.
No, it means that people are using a broader definition that is not locked into the OSI model. Both definitions are valid but the OSI one is a subset of the other one. Than means the OSI one can't describe certain network devices that exist in the real world. A layer 3 switch can't exist according to the OSI model. It can in the real world.
Go way back to the parent of this thread. See the sentence "Anyway, OSI model is mostly a mental picture that bear little practical relevance."? Yet you're here arguing we have to use the OSI model's definition of switching and routing.
> "Layer 2" = switching. "Layer 3" = routing.
Only if you think that the OSI model is the be all end all definition of what a network is. It's not. The TCP/IP designers didn't think so either and moved functionality that was traditionally in the lower layers to the upper layers.
> "Layer 3 switch" = a marketing term
Yes, it's been turned into a marketing term. But to understand why it's a marketing term you need to know what a real layer 3 switch is. Then it becomes readily apparent why they really created is a router with a handful of switching features rolled in for speed.
> Your "pure layer 3 switch" that only services a single subnet is actually a regular old layer 2 switch.
No it's not. If you could modify the end nodes in the network (you can with Linux or the *BSDs) to use the broadcast MAC address for the destination and have them ignore the ethertype field you'd completely bypass Layer 2. The layer 3 switches would still be able to function and switch packets to the proper nodes. A layer 2 switch in this situation would still work but would broadcast all packets to all nodes and thus stop acting as a switch.
> It doesn't need to be aware of "layer 3" at all.
If it's not aware of layer 3 at all then it's not a layer 3 switch.
A layer 3 switch by definition needs to understand layer 3. So if you had one that just switches using IP (v4 and/or v6) it would not be able to switch other protocols like IPX for example. A layer 2 switch would switch anything.
Please point me to a definition of a "real layer 3 switch." I would like to know. I've been working with TCP/IP for almost 25 years.
It sounds like you want to eliminate the broadcast domain... If you want point-to-point ethernet, put your end nodes on a IPv4 /31 (or /30, depending) and be done with it. You will have a "pure layer 3" environment: all traffic will be routed. No end node modifications required.
Those definitions are parroting the manufacturer's definitions. Those devices are routers with ASIC switching using the IP address.
My definition of a real layer 3 switch is this: A device that forwards packets based on the IP address. The decision on which port to forward is based on where an IP was last seen and not on a configured network/netmask value.
Nobody that I know of sells devices like this but you can build one for yourself. The reason I'm going on about a pure layer 3 switch is because it's on one end of the discussion about these hybrid "Layer 3 Switches" that the network manufacturers are selling. It's like trying to talk about what a mule is when you refuse to define what a donkey is.
So we have a pure layer 3 switch on one end and a layer 3 router on the other. The "Layer 3 Switches" that are now being sold are about 95% of the way towards the router side of that line.
> If you want point-to-point ethernet, put your end nodes on a IPv4 /31 (or /30, depending) and be done with it. You will have a "pure layer 3" environment: all traffic will be routed.
But then you're routing and have different subnets everywhere. You won't be able to transparently replace a layer 2 switch with that.
Ethernet framing is redundant. The LLC/SNAP header has already been deprecated by the IEEE so there's 8 bytes saved. The ethertype field is redundant as the first byte of the payload will tell you if it's IP v4 or v6 so there's an extra 2 bytes. The source and dest MAC addresses are redundant as we have source and dest IP addresses so there's a 12 byte savings. The vlan tag would need to stay for now because of IPv4 but we could replace it by repurposing some of the 0 bits in an IPv6 link local address. The preamble, SFD and FCS would stay although the preamble might be able to be shortened as it's minimum length was dictated partly by how many hubs a packet could cross.
So you replace your layer 2 switch with this layer 3 switch. Everything still works with no configuration necessary. As new network cards that can do IP framing come out you configure each port from ethernet framing to IP framing. So now it's a Layer 3 switch on some ports (Ehternet framing) and a Layer 2 switch on others (IP Framing).
Once all ports are switched over the device has now become a Layer 2 IP switch. Now you can see why I don't like the definition of Layer 2 = Switching, Layer 3 = Routing. The device functions as a switch regardless of the framing on each of the ports.
If you use the more general definition of Switching = inside the same network (i.e. subnet) and Routing = between networks then things become more clear.
I know some people on the internet want IP framing to become a thing. Will it? Maybe, maybe not. But by using the more rigid OSI definition of switching and routing it becomes harder to talk about topics like that.
That's why we have TCP/IP now. Because some people were willing to think outside of the OSI box.
> It sounds like you want to eliminate the broadcast domain
It wouldn't eliminate it. The broadcasts would eventually become either IPv4 broadcasts or IPv6 multicasts. It would reduce the sizes of the domains and reduce traffic however.
A layer 3 switch is something that works on the network layer. It switches using the IP address.
A layer 3 switch is not a router. It does not switch based on the subnet/network mask. It just remembers which IP is on which port just like an Ethernet switch remembers which MAC address is on which port.