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I am in my 50's and I find the vast majority of adult I know at this age range are very uncreative in their thinking. Not sure why, maybe corporate life has beat it out of them.

If you look really closely at the 20 to 30 age group, much of their creativity is a rehash of old ideas, many of which were shown to be lacking when they first came up. They are successful now not because they are good ideas but because those who support them don't know their history and the consequences thereof. In addition many in that age group has less creativity than those who are older.

Following trends and fashions is a common failure amongst people. Just because something has become fashionable doesn't mean that it is good.

You see? It really isn't all that easy even to sound not old.

Lol, problem with being old is seeing people make the same mistakes over and over again!

Companies don't do the research needed, people take ideas that have been around for years, give them a new label and wala, new idea!


thx ;-)

> maybe corporate life has beat it out of them

Good point. I see a lot (most?) of people whose life revolves around their job and their family obligations, with very little time for anything else. Even with a fulfilling job, I speculate this is detrimental to creativity.

If I did not have creativity in my life, I would wither and die.

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