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I know this is about Vue vs React, but a lot of the things people are saying they like about Vue can be found in Google's Polymer. It's very simple to comprehend and you can make single file components. And it's based on W3C standard web components so you won't be building yourself into future obsolescence. With Polymer 2 components are now built using classes, so your code is clear and 100% native JS. Lastly, the goal of the Polymer team is to get rid of Polymer by advancing web standards, and with 2.0 you can see they are definitely following this approach as Polymer doesn't add much to web components other than ease of use functionality such as template binding and cross browser shims.

I've used polymer and I wasn't impressed. I found it was much slower than Vue and the docs left a lot to be desired.

What was slow about it? Depending on how you use template binding, it should be as fast as anything else.

It's possible he was using Polymer v1, which was pretty slow.

Polymer v2 in a web browser that supports Web Components v1 should be pretty fast, though. But that was only released last May.

It was very slow to first paint around 1.0 which made me use something else. But it's become so much faster since then.

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