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This whole "React is complicated" is a strawman.

How is JSX more complicated than any template language?

How are Vue components any simpler than React components?

You can't write JSX without a template compiler (how ergonomic is it to hand write a render function?). It's painful to write React components with just a script embed (this might not be important to you, but it's important for newbies coming from jQuery), while Vue lets you get away with HTML attributes and Vue.extend(). Lastly, Vue's style scoping is superior to anything React has to offer.

What kind of webapp are you writing where adding a compilation step adds too much complexity? I get if you're writing an application that's 95% static with a few moving pieces, but otherwise that argument doesn't hold much weight for me.


You can write JSX with just script embed.

..How? You'd just get a syntax error. Embedding a runtime babel compiler isn't mentioned in the docs at all (though I guess it would work albeit killing load performance, but it's not something that you would expect newbies to know, especially if it's not in the docs).

In vue you have forma free reactive data without using shouldcomponentupate. Components are updated when data change and only for the data they binding. You have also local context while react have a global context. Props are reactive ... And many others feature

This actually scares me because I have extensive experience in knockoutjs. It also used a reactive system. The problem was once the UI became sufficiently complicated performance would suffer greatly. If you had a lot of computed properties changing a piece of data could result in a lot of UI thrashing as each of these are recomputed. I'm not sure how Vue solves this problem, or even if it does but overall the architecture was inadequate.

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