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Write down your password manager master password in your will along with instructions about what to do when you die.

:) My family treats my laptop like nuclear waste. I think they kind-a fear it.

And assume your family knows exactly how to do whatever you want? What about 2FA?

I include as much information as I can in my "What to do if I die" documentation that my wife has. But much of the stuff that has 2FA is also paid, so it falls under the category of, "Just cancel my credit card, and the accounts will disappear on their own."

That's an interesting idea, care to elaborate on the documentation a bit more?

It is a list of the various accounts I have that would need action. Mostly, I instruct her to decide for herself what she wants to do with my web sites and email addresses, but I give her enough info to gain access to it all, and recommend which accounts should be switched to her credit card instead of mine (Netflix, for example.) It doesn't list everything -- this HN account for example, is not mentioned, and would just go silent.

I also list out who needs to be informed -- who to contact directly by phone, who to email.

It isn't intended to be a will - it is more a list of the little details of my life that are not part of our shared existence, that would probably be forgotten in the turmoil, so I thought of them ahead of time.

I look at it a few times a year and keep it up to date. And I hope it is a wasted effort.

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