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FemtoCleaner – A bot to automatically upgrade your Julia syntax (juliacomputing.com)
61 points by KenoFischer on Aug 18, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

But will it upgrade your 1 based indexing to 0 based?

(For those not accustomed to checking usernames, I feel fairly certain this comment was made in jest ;-) )

Yes, I made it in jest, thinking that I should say it here before anyone else does. ;-)

My high hopes were then shattered on the rocks below! Partial jest ;)

I am looking forward to giving Julia a third look when it hits 1.0. Great work by the Julia team!

Every evolving programming language should have something like this!

It sounded like magic the first time I heard Keno describe this. But seeing it built and spread to 700 repos in a few days, it appears obvious in retrospect. The only question now is - why didn't we do this sooner?

Maturity of the ecosystem and a growing awareness of the problem that this solves, perhaps?

It's a kind of ripeness for change which, I think occurs in every large project. There's that gnawing feeling that something is more difficult than it should be, followed by a sudden realization that the basic tooling now exist to solve the underlying problem without an epic amount of work.

Attobot has been tremendously helpful, and femtocleaner will be too. Nice work guys!

Just enabled it for one of my packages, but since I still support 0.4, not sure how many PRs I should expect.

Update: looks like no applicable deprecations

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