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> To score a pair of tickets to see singer-songwriter John Mayer in Cincinnati on July 27, Beth Collins of Radcliff, Ky., spent $172, including about $30 in service fees, for the best two seats available on Ticketmaster at the time, in section 700, adjacent to the rear lawn at the Riverbend Music Center. Ms. Collins, a 27-year-old homemaker whose husband works in a UPS warehouse, borrowed $75 from a local loan service to help pay for the seats; with interest, she paid the service about $100.

I can't help but think this sort of thing is why poor people remain poor.

When you're down on your luck and unhappy, things that bring you pleasure are more desirable than ever.

Using a loan service to pay for concert tickets is unbelievable. This is EXACTLY why states like KY remain poor. A person that clearly has no savings would do so much better to have $200 in their savings account.

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