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It was probably a clang->land auto correct on a phone. It used to be I only had to worry about my fingers hitting the wrong keys, now I have to worry about my computer not believing that what I wanted to type was what I actually typed.

My mistake. I skimmed over the word "Land" without really noticing it.

Add voice dictation and things get even weirder. A lot of times it's magical with some crazy word thrown in.

Agreed on the voice thing. I've found some really odd sound alikes in my comments when I've used it (trust me it sucks to type a long response on a phone keyboard :-) A common one is substituting 'by' and 'buy' at different times.

It's always fun to try to dictate "wreck a nice beach." It's such a classic example of sound-alikes gone wrong that it seems engines go out of their way to interpret it as "recognize speech" unless you take extreme measures.

That would be a weird autocorrect, since clang is an actual word.

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