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Yeah, came to ask--so the GAN model is loaded into the Javascript engine and run locally?

I thought DNN models are fucking huge?

From the "news" page:

In order to make our model more accessible, we build this website interface with React.js for open access. We also make the generation completed done on the browser side, by imposing WebDNN and converting the trained Chainer model to the WebAssembly based Javascript model. For a better user experience, we would like to keep the size of generator model small since users need to download the model before generating, so we replace the DCGAN generator by SRResNet generator can make the model 4 times smaller. Speed-wise, even all computations are done on the client side, on average it takes only about 6 seconds to generate a single image.

It gave me a warning to connect to WiFi and not load the site over a mobile data connection. So yes.

Oh, I didnt get that, would have been nice.

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