> ... what the Web could have been... If never became as easy to create high quality freeform sites and apps...
You're writing as if it's too late. It's not!
What the Web has going for it today are ubiquity,multimedia capabilities, and the ability to deploy applications with no end-user installation step. There has never been a platform as advanced on these three axes as the Web today. This is a really big deal.
As you highlighted, the missing piece is the creation environment. If only someone could create an accessible, freeform, code-backed interaction design tool for the modern web, learning from forebears like Hypercard and Flash, and respecting/leveraging modern creatives' & engineers' tools of the trade.
Sounds crazy. But that hasn't stopped us from chasing this dream at Haiku: https://haiku.ai
You're writing as if it's too late. It's not!
What the Web has going for it today are ubiquity, multimedia capabilities, and the ability to deploy applications with no end-user installation step. There has never been a platform as advanced on these three axes as the Web today. This is a really big deal.
As you highlighted, the missing piece is the creation environment. If only someone could create an accessible, freeform, code-backed interaction design tool for the modern web, learning from forebears like Hypercard and Flash, and respecting/leveraging modern creatives' & engineers' tools of the trade.
Sounds crazy. But that hasn't stopped us from chasing this dream at Haiku: https://haiku.ai