Come on, you know the history of the whole fucked up situation and now turning you into the role about the caring i2pd project manager? Let's say what we can see on GitHub in your repository...
Where have you been between June and November 2015? Kovri was meant to be just an integration of i2pd into Monero, not a fork. But yeah... When the only maintainer of a project is gone for half a year, what do you expect? Anyone familiar with Git is able to see when anonimal finally forked away...
But yeah, then you came back and started developing again after 6 months of nothing? Just don't be like an offended asshole and maybe try to cooperate or just let it go the open source way and the better solution will probably get the most adoption.
Where have you been between June and November 2015? Kovri was meant to be just an integration of i2pd into Monero, not a fork. But yeah... When the only maintainer of a project is gone for half a year, what do you expect? Anyone familiar with Git is able to see when anonimal finally forked away...
But yeah, then you came back and started developing again after 6 months of nothing? Just don't be like an offended asshole and maybe try to cooperate or just let it go the open source way and the better solution will probably get the most adoption.