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> They're missing a much-needed feedback loop. Alpha users, and beta users.

That's true, but they've learned. Windows 7 is a massive success and Office 2010 is a great product. Both had extensive testing and user feedback.

Windows Phone is getting a lot of traction before it's release as well. Developer tools, getting devices into the hands of developers, releasing information very early long before it's release and getting it out there.

MS in the past few years has started to ramp up it's outreach to developers and the community, and it seems like they are working that way with their consumer oriented products.

And let's not forget that they have gone into markets not #1 and taken the spot. Linux was supposedly going to be the Netbook OS, but then in practically one year, MS took over that market.

It's not like Apple doesn't ever release underperforming products (see Apple TV for a recent example).

MS is struggling, but struggling from a good position.

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