They should not. However in a badly designed system they will. It turns out to be harder than you might think to not leak information. If you apply a hash to the password (which you should) and then check the hash you need to check all characters of the hash before announcing yes/no. Otherwise the attacker then time how long it takes to get to the no, when it takes longer they know that the first byte of the hash matches - this lets the attacker eliminate most of the possible passwords quickly and thus break in faster.
The above is just one of the subtle things you need to worry about when trying to design a password checker. If you get it right the answer is NO, the attacker doesn't know when he is getting close.
The above is just one of the subtle things you need to worry about when trying to design a password checker. If you get it right the answer is NO, the attacker doesn't know when he is getting close.