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Partially true information can be just as misleading as completely false information.

For example, I looked up "Cannabis"; only 1 entry saying it causes cancer. But I know from other articles on other sites that there are properties that fight cancer. (I don't know if it "prevents" cancer though).

Needs more data?

They're only using Daily Mail articles

I know

Why cite "other studies on other sources" and claim it "needs more data" if you know the point is present data from one source? Not to present an objective look at cancer studies, but to present a filtered look at Daily Mail articles on cancer studies?

As an exercise or function in doing something with data, sure, do as you please.

But if this were to have practical application, and the potential to solve problems via the crowd, why not improve it and give it better data?

Your version sounds like a great project! Post a link when it's ready!

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