You might feel like you're providing harsh yet practical advice, but you're not explaining your reasoning which is why you're getting downvoted. If you forced yourself to explain your ideas you might discover some aren't as concrete as you think, and you might strengthen some ideas that work. Posts like this have a "I have it all figured out" attitude that I would argue indicates a lack of interest in learning, and I don't think that's what you want.
God forbid any of them gets home in time to eat dinner with their family! I can't think of anything worse than a sustainable work/life balance and employees who work the hours their contract specifies.
How do you identify superstars? Do you look at their code or do you simply see the UI when its done? I've seen a couple superstars/JS ninjas that produced unmaintainable crap, but a lot of it, and it took actually looking at their code to see why. They didn't last.
Fun to be around if you're their boss, has a confident yet subtly incorrect opinion on every single aspect of programming, climate science, dietology and immigrants that are not them, personally stabbed one of the "weaklings" in the face, knows lots of GoT trivia, "weaklings" burned out while fixing their bugs.
-identify weak people in the team with a stinky attitude, those who dont learn and are toxic, do your best to get rid of them.
-next identify those mediocre people doing 9-5, maximise their output during those hours, don't give them no slack.
-finally identify your super stars, cherish them, buy them coffee/lunch and give them a lot of slack.
for this is a meritocracy, no damn Disneyland.