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More and more of these tasks are getting to be commonplace in the client side scripting of a website.

However, you raise a valid point: Mobile websites, the kinds most likely to be served to you via MobileSafari, will likely not have things like Tag clouds or 3D raytracers for the foreseeable future.

Maybe there should be a mobile edition of the JS benchmarks run?

And also, as much as speed is an issue, what about a benchmark for compliance? Safari/Webkit is still (to some sites) a red headed step child. The "it works in FF and IE" mentality applies there. My bank is an example of that. It has gotten better, but there are still plenty of web apps where webkit is unsupported.

> there are still plenty of web apps where webkit is unsupported.

I hope one of these days we will get to the point where web apps are standards complaint, rather than rendering engine complaint.

We've largely won the battle on earning recognition and support for Gecko, but now we have to do most of it over again for Webkit? What new and exciting engine will we be griping about in two years? Does this make sense?

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