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The most interesting part of this will be how Gruber eventually spins this... can't wait to see that.

My guess is he'll be completely silent about it, UNTIL there's some future iOS update the lets iOS score higher in the same benchmark. Then it'll be an example of Apple's attention to detail and planning, and how Google doesn't care about their user experience. :-)

Exactly. Just like pixels per inch, where it didn't matter that the Droid and N1 were massively superior to the iPhone for months. Then the iPhone 4 comes out with slightly higher PPI than the Droid and now it's all about the magical retina display.

Sigh. That’s just not true. Here is what Gruber said about Nexus One’s screen (January 2010):

“The high pixel density of the display is marvelous for reading text. Letterforms are, as you’d expect, very crisp. My biggest gripe about the Nexus One display is that certain colors are way over-saturated. All skin tones look very orange to me. Everyone gets that spray-on tan look. Reds, pinks, and especially oranges all go fluorescent. In short, I love the pixel density and brightness (and, so far, the battery life), but I do not like the color reproduction. I don’t know if that’s the nature of OLED, or if it’s specific to the Nexus One.“


Gruber only very seldomly comments about data points like these unless they are a larger point. He takes most things from the perspective of a user and tends to ignore nerd whistles like this one.

Right now this information is cool (and an engineering triumph, yet another data point for my love of VMs and how they are the future of all modern computing), but put this in perspective: it only affects a very small number of users with an expensive and difficult-to-obtain handset. From the perspective of the average customer, it's pretty meaningless. Gruber probably won't respond until many phones have 2.2 and suddenly it's a public issue that "iPhone is slow."

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