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Parametric Study of a Genetic Algorithm (2003) [pdf] (genetic-programming.org)
66 points by happy-go-lucky on Aug 6, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments

I remember being fascinated by GAs as an undergraduate, but haven't seen much discussion come out of the space in a while. I'm guessing machine learning took off (in particular deep learning) and put an emphasis on the impact of large-scale gradient-based optimization via backpropagation/adjoint approaches.

In other words, rather than apply GAs to the optimization of a large complex system, these days the paradigm seems to be to find a way to derive the needed gradients (or extract them via automatic differentiation). Does this seem to be the case, or are GAs still shining in some applications?

Machine learning is automated classification, regression, and decision-making. Genetic algorithms don't tend to perform so well in these areas (just as ML is not so appropriate for combinatorial optimization).

Instead, genetic methods work well for various messy industrial engineering such as strip packaging design or antenna design. One of my favorite recent results solves a structural engineering problem using grammatical evolution [1].

[1] http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580513...

Perhaps genetic algorithms could be useful for hyperparameter optimization of deep learning methods? ;)

I remember using GAs to tune SVM kernel hyperparameters a few years ago. They worked well enough, but I mostly did it because I was lazy.

It's been looked into. I'm really struggling to remember who was doing the looking though, but it exists.

If you have the horsepower to test a population of deep nets, then absolutely.

Exactly, GA suffered very badly during the AI winter to be more specific, but it's coming to the scene again. In fact, GAs don't need gradient information at all. If you want to do some weird stuffs like evolving deep networks, multi-objective optimizations or large scale black-box optimization, GAs (and friends) are the only way.

Genetic algorithms and the like are still useful for various combinatorial search problems. Not everything can be mapped to a smooth function, and so there will always be (in my opinion at least) room for metaheuristics.

Well put.

I seem to remember encountering some work in ML parameter selection (which can be simplified to a combinatorial problem), which made use of metaheuristics. Having trouble recalling the group who was working on it right now, though.

Gradient methods have certainly gotten most of the attention, but there is the field of neuroevolution[1] and OpenAI recently released a paper covering evolutionary strategies for neural networks: https://blog.openai.com/evolution-strategies/

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroevolution

But I used to know GAs don't need gradient information, right? The algorithm is supposed to discover the gradient by itself, if there is any.

GA can be used for topology and parameter tweaking.

The big interest in GAs is due to their analogy with bio evolution, and its amazing ability to generate novel and effective solutions to very difficult problems with very few iterations. Unfortunately, computational evolution has not discovered the secret sauce that makes biological evolution so effective, so has languished to quicker and simpler methods such as simulated annealing and particle swarm optimization.

GAs are in this weird place where much of their lunch (by which I mean tasks such as classification and regression), has been eaten by more principled methods from Machine Learning.

They've also been pushed out of most combinational optimisation problems by Constraint Programming methods and by other more principled meta-heuristics such as Large Neighbourhood Search.

In my opinion part of the problem is that so much of the literature around GAs involves what I like to think of as voodoo optimisation. You take a simple to implement randomised algorithm, apply it to some poorly studied but high-dimensional problem and then poke things as appropriate until you eventually find some feasible solution. Maybe.

If I'm being honest, the only time I'd consider GAs is if I had very little insight into the problem at hand and even then only after I've run out of other things to try.

I think there are lots of applications for gradient-free methods, but it's never been clear to me what the advantage is of the "genetic" aspect as compared to other randomized search strategies. However, the ability to dynamically grow a program tree is interesting and somewhat difficult to model in an ANN-style framework. But in gradient free methods, there are lots of interesting ideas like particle swarm optimisation and simulated annealing, or even just random search. It's not really clear to me what the "gene swapping" approach brings to the table, except that it probably encourages exploring the area in the middle between some good minima that are potentially far apart in the search space. But you could formulate this same idea without appealing to evolutionary metaphors.

Gene swapping makes perfect sense when the success of a given solution is due to the various contributions of the solution's components (this is closely related to the Credit Assignment Problem).

For example, a 'random' tour of the traveling salesman might have a nice sensible path between Paris and Moscow, while another solution has a good path between San Francisco and Mexico City. Chromosomal crossover (the fundamental operation of genetic algorithms) can create "offspring" tours that contain both of these components.

This is not at all analogous to exploring the middle between two local optima - the solution space often has no meaningful geometric structure, so being located "between" two other solutions may not make sense at all.

This might also be relevant, http://www.human-competitive.org/

This is an annual competition on evolving "human competitive" solutions to difficult real world problems.

It's interesting that this was posted, in that (1) it uses an approach to GAs that was already well out of date by 2003, and (2) the problem domain (aerospace) has been beaten to death with GAs. The problem with structural and multidisciplinary optimization (SMO) is that it's really hard. Each domain has complex, computationally expensive models that interact with all of the other domains. So to optimize across all domains, you have to propagate constraints across the different models (e.g. between your model for the hydraulic system and your fluid dynamics model for the wing.) Optimizing for range, as this paper does, is a gross oversimplification that results in designs that might not be remotely flyable.

Anybody who's interested in aircraft design should start by looking at Dan Raymer's website. He wrote the book. It's about 800 pages long.

But back to GAs. A lot of comments in this thread speculate as to why they're not used more. The paper illustrates one of the main reasons: Goldberg's GA. It's got a lot of problems. At the root is Goldberg's attempt to build a theory that makes GAs seem well-founded, more than just a heuristic search. If you read the GA literature from the late 1980s and early 1990s, you'll see a lot of talk about "Schema Processing," "Temporal Salience Structures," and "Building-Block Theory." The reality is, it's all hand-waving that tries to justify in principle something that doesn't work very well in practice: binary encoding and roulette-wheel selection. Even at the time (1989) when Goldberg published his GA book, the Germans had come up with something much better: the Evolution Strategy (ES). The ES encodes real-valued variables with floating-point numbers. An ES manages the population much more sensibly and tends to work in "steady-state" rather than "generational" mode (i.e. uses new information immediately rather than waiting for a whole generation to be evaluated). The most successful modern descendents of the ES are differential evolution (DE) and CMAES.

Anyway, Goldberg's GA got an early head-start on popularity, especially in North America, because he published source code in the back of his book. Anybody could pick it up and write a GA, and many did. This is the lineage for every Javascript GA demo I've ever seen, whether the authors know it or not (likely not.) This is unfortunate, because Goldberg's approach ignores the single biggest advantage available to population-based heuristic search: it can be used for multiobjective optimization. This is known to the aerospace community, and indeed it was already known in 2003 when the paper we're discussing was published. The very next year, Simpson and D'Souza published an aircraft design paper based on work with a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm.

Unfortunately, multiobjective optimization algorithms are inherently hard to compare with single-objective algorithms. This means that comparitive studies almost always favor single-objective optimization, because it does a better job optimizing a single objective. The strength of multiobjective optimization is that it helps its users understand the problem space -- single-objective optimization works great if your mind is already made up about what performance characteristics you want.

I could go on all day; this was a chapter in my dissertation. But I'd better wrap it up. I'll conclude by saying that there are people using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms both inside and outside academia. You'll meet them if you go to an SMO conference. GAs aren't dead, they're just not where you're looking for them.

Thanks for this extremely educational comment. I'm excited to read a bit more about DE and CMAES in particular!

>>I could go on all day; this was a chapter in my dissertation

I'd love a link (assuming it is publically available!)

Glad it was useful! Once I get started writing about GAs I have trouble slowing down. By the time I posted my comment it was three or four pages back, so I'm encouraged that somebody actually read it!

Here's a link to my dissertation:


I forgot to put a disclaimer in my post: Tim Simpson was my advisor, which is how I know about his paper with D'Souza.

For DE, your best bet is probably to start with Rainer Storn's website: http://www1.icsi.berkeley.edu/~storn/code.html

For CMAES, Hansen has a good website: https://www.lri.fr/~hansen/cmaesintro.html

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