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Seems like a duplicate of [http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1493937]. I really wish there was a way to stop the blatant duplicate submission. This is of their feeds.arstechnica.com instead of the already submitted arstechnica.com article.

Maybe this is coincidental, but I am not sure anymore...

That would make for a good feature request.

On the right of flag we could add "merge with" and take a news.yc url and if enough people submitted the same url a mod could merge all the comments into the old story.

I have been thinking of this for some time. A "merge with" would be great to help the clutter and then the good conversations that happen would not be lost once one is closed.

This isn't the duplicate, the other one is. This was submitted 2 hours ago (at the moment), the other 1 hour ago. I've flagged the other one, though.

And when the time appears the same (both at 2 hours at the moment), there is always the item number, 1493907 for this submission and 1493937 for the duplicate.

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