Just because you dislike the premise of the question does not mean it's not a legitimate question that can be discussed and debated. The headline "Is [company/individual/country] getting to [rich/big/powerful/indebted]?" is a valid question, and very different from a headline like "Is [White House staffer] capable of [an incredible acrobatic feat]?"
Edit: OK, I think I get your point that the headline is a clickbait considering the article is supposedly lacking. But my point is that the question being posed is not a question that anyone would get into legal trouble for stating as a positive fact, so the "headline law" doesn't apply.
"Is 'company/individual/country' getting to [sic] 'rich/big/powerful/indebted'?"
is a matter of opinion, and when it comes to legitimacy, the last place I would look for a legitimate discussion about Amazon would be in a publication that is personally owned by Jeff Bezos.