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There are so many jobs out there in rails / ruby. I really want to learn it, but the tutorials I've seen teach you how to generate a blog engine. I want some real world examples and tutorials, where's the best place to start?

:) For me, I really got a lot of value out of railscasts.com. I watched all of them like people watch their favorite TV shows. Helped me see the world through rails developer eyes.

I used to pay for a subscription to Railscasts, and it was money well spent. It's too bad that Ryan stopped making new videos.

Railscasts was awesome. In particular, I really loved the ASCIIcast feature on each video. I can't say enough about how helpful that site was in terms of helping me learn Rails.

> There are so many jobs out there in rails / ruby.

Just today, another commenter [1] said that...

  The job market for Rails devs seems to be pretty dry.
  Many Rails devs I know, including myself, do not get even
  10% of Rails job offers anymore, as it used to be until a
  couple of years ago.
[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14863819

ok, maybe "so many" is a little bit of an exaggeration. WeWorkRemotely.com lists 72 programming jobs at the moment, and 16 of those mention ruby and/or rails.

That's about 20% of the jobs.

Tried getting a job to move to Rails development once. I have 5+ years of PHP and MVC frameworks experience. They said I can't get the job for two reasons:

1. If they tried hiring me as a mid-level Rails dev, I'd be too inexperienced in Rails

2. If they tried hiring me as a staring Rails dev, I'd be too underpaid

So apparently, my past web dev skills are non-transferrable to some companies that hire web developers. Yikes.

Tutorials are always going to be toy problems. If you want to work on real world problems, make something real.

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